Five Tips Teachers Can Use to Practice Self-Care and Set Boundaries–Blog Post from Eric Chase.

For some, if not most, of us, it is almost the end of the school year.  Time away from school is a great time for self-care and reflection.  In this article, Eric Chase offers tips we all can use to practice self-care and set boundaries:

Useful website to teach history, literature, world history and culture, language, art, and more! — Connected Teaching and Learning

Here are a handful of useful resources for both the teacher and the students. Some are websites, some are extensions for your Chrome Browser. Might come in handy with only one month left before the exam. This site offers lesson plans and interactive media. EDSITEment offers a treasure trove for teachers, students, and parents searching for […]

via Useful website to teach history, literature, world history and culture, language, art, and more! — Connected Teaching and Learning