From Hopeful to Actual

The last post I wrote was in January, 2008, although the post date says May, 2007. At the end of the post I wrote that I remain hopeful. Well I’m leaving the hopeful stage and will actually begin to post as regularly as possible. My goal in January was to post at least once a week. Obviously, that didn’t happen. But I shall post regularly.
I had the wonderful opportunity to attend our state technology association (MACUL) conference in Grand Rapids. Many of the sessions I attended focused on Web 2.0 tools (like blogging, podcasting, etc) or free websites for teachers or students. All the sessions really provided some great information that I can use when I return to work. However, I was particularly impressed with Andy Losik’s presentation. I thank Andy for showing me how to use my blog more effectively. In his presentation, he uses his blog for students to use, as well as presenting information to staff and parents. His blog caters to the early elementary group, which was of particular interest to me. I work in an elementary school, Prek-5.
Talk about a “duh/aha” moment! He had all these wonderful sites that his students can access directly. Assignments/tasks were posted that students can access. Other technology tools that Andy uses frequently are centrally located on his blog. What an excellent idea!
Yes, I’m inspired to copy/imitate his idea. I hope he doesn’t mind. I can create pages for students, staff, and of course, just for me! I love this and I believe I can actually do this. Yes, I am beyond hopeful and moving to the actual.
To copy a popular tv slogan, “watch what happens” with this blog!